Chatham County Planning Department

80-A East Street • P.O. Box 54 • Pittsboro, NC 27312

919/542-8204 (P) • 919/542-2698 (F)

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2006 Items

Conditional Use Hearings Rules of Procedure


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Project Name Agenda Attachments Supplementary Documents Public Hearing Date Planning Board Board of Commissioners
        Meeting Date(s) Staff Report Recommen-dation Meeting Date(s) Agenda Abstract Action
Public Hearing request by the Chatham County Board of Commissioners for a revision to the Chatham County Moratorium Ordinance to amend Section 7, Exemptions of Ordinance, to remove sketch design from the list of exemptions. Text of Proposed Amendment Link to June 2006 Public Hearing Documents

Summary of Various Jurisdictions Major Subdivision Procedures (Adobe .pdf format, MS Word format with hyperlinks)

12/18/06 1/2/07 Planning Board Notes Denial 1/16/07 Agenda Abstract (1/16/07)

Agenda Abstract

Ordinance to Approve Amendments

Request by Dan Sullivan for subdivision preliminary approval of  “Pennington Subdivision, Phase I”, consisting of five (5) lots located off SR-1716, Big Woods Road, New Hope Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Presley Comments,

Erosion Control,

NCDOT Permit,

Soils Report (1,2,3,4),

Water Approval,

4. Layout




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract


Request by Dornoch Group for subdivision sketch design approval of  “Lystra Road Subdivision”, consisting of 90 lots on 144 acres, located off SR-1721, Lystra Road, Williams Township.

1. Application (1,2),

2. Arcview Map,

3. Dickinson Email,

Wetlands (1,2),

4. Soils Report,

Soils Map,

Historical Association Email,

Traffic Impact Summary,

6. Presley Comments,


Existing Conditions,

7. Sketch Plan

5. Revised Wetlands Map,


Illustrative Master Plan


Esthimer Comments


Information Submitted for 1/2/07 Planning Board Notes:
1. Letter from Karen Kemerait


2. & 3. Revised Site Plan (12/22/06)


Traffic Impact Analysis


Public Comments from Commissioners Meeting on 1/16/07


Tabled to 1/2/07



Planning Board Notes (1/2/07)


Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract


Request by Governors Village Commercial, LLC for subdivision preliminary and final approval of  “Governors Village Townhomes, Phase Three", consisting of 14 blocks to be further subdivided into 76 residential townhouse lots, located off S. R. 1847, Moring Drive Extension, Williams Township.

1.-6. & 8. Application & Layout,

2. Arcview Map,

7. Note Revisions

Road Name Change



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract


A public hearing to receive citizen input on proposed text amendments to the Chatham County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance to comply with the minimum criteria of the National Flood Insurance Program. The amendments include the incorporation of revised Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for Chatham County that will become effective on February 2, 2007. Text Amendment Written Comments

Underwood Comments (12/8/06)

11/20/06 12/5/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 12/18/06 Agenda Abstract (12/18/06)

Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)

Ordinance to approve amendments
A request by Hardip S. Dhillon to rezone approximately 4 acres off Old US 1 and New US 1, New Hill, Cape Fear Township from RA-40 to B-1 to be combined with his current B-1 property.

1. Application (1,2),

2. Arcview Map,

3. 11/20/06 PH Minutes,

Maps (1,2)

4. Neighbors Comments 11/20/06 12/5/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 12/18/06 Agenda Abstract (12/18/06)

Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)

Ordinance to Approve Rezoning
A request by Greg Isenhour for a revision to an existing CU-PUD Permit for Cole Place, located off Plaza Dr. (private), Williams Township to add an additional 16 townhomes to the existing 60 townhomes already constructed.

1. Application (1,2,3),

2. Arcview Map,

3. 11/20/06 PH Minutes,

Stormwater Management (1,2),


  11/20/06 12/5/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 12/18/06 Agenda Abstract(12/18/06)

Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)

Resolution to Approve CUP Amendment

Request by J & B Partners, LLC for subdivision sketch design approval of  “Bingham Ridge, Phase II”, consisting of 15 lots on 26 acres, located off SR-1536, Lamont Norwood Road, Baldwin Township.

1. Application (1,2),

2. Arcview Map,

3. Phase 1 Map,

4. Soils Information (1,2,3),

5. Layout



11/6/06 (Note: Monday Night Meeting)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)


Request by RLA Development Company, LLC on behalf of Chatham Land & Timber  for subdivision sketch design approval of  “Parker Springs Subdivision”, consisting of 50 lots on  87 acres, located off SR-1700, Mt. Gilead Road, New Hope and Williams Townships.

1. Application (Additional Adjacent Property Owners),

2. Arcview Map,

3. Soils Report,

4. Pyle Letter,

10. Layout (1,2)

Sections of Monterrane Maps


5. & 6. Misc. Emails


7. Presley Comments


8. Garver Comments


9. Planning Board Minority Report (12/11/06)


Tabled by Staff to 12/5/06


11/6/06 (Note: Monday Night Meeting)

Planning Board Notes (12/5/06)


Planning Board Notes


Tabled to 1/16/06



Agenda Abstract (1/16/07)


Agenda Abstract


Request by Community Properties, Inc. for subdivision sketch design approval of  “Shively, # 2”, consisting of four (4) lots, on 22 acres, located off SR-1520, Old Graham Road,  Hadley  Township and a revision to “Shivley, # 1”.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Andrews Letter,

4., 5., & 6. Water Letters & Fonville Letter,

S&EC Reports (1,2,3),

7. Ashness Letter,

8. Peterson Comments,

9. Layout

Fiscal Impact Analysis


11/6/06 (Note: Monday Night Meeting)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)



Request by Polk Sullivan, LLC on behalf of Worth Durham Banner for subdivision sketch design approval of   “Banner Tract, (Shively Phase 3)”, consisting of 40 lots on 234 acres, located off SR-1520, Old Graham Road, Hadley Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Letter to Historical Association,

4. Pyle Letter,

5. & 6. Aqua NC Letter,

Financial Impact Analysis,

7. Soils Information (1,2),

S&EC Reports (1,2,3),

8. Ashness Letter,

9. Layout



11/6/06 (Note: Monday Night Meeting)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)



Request by Roanoke Investments, LLC on behalf of Chatham Partners, LLC and Polk-Sullivan, LLC  for subdivision preliminary design approval of  “The Bluffs, Phase 1”, consisting of 36 lots on 180 acres, located off SR-1520, Old Graham Road, Hadley Township.

1. & 3. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

4. Ashness Letter,

5. Weakley Comments,


Threatened and Endangered Species Survey,


S&EC Environmental Status Report,


Fiscal Impact Analysis,


McRae Comments (Natural Heritage Program)


11/6/06 (Note: Monday Night Meeting)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)



Request by Wrenn Brothers, Inc. for subdivision preliminary design approval of “Knoll Ridge Estates”, consisting of 15 lots on 77.5 acres, located off SR-1130, Oakley Church Road, Matthews Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. & 4. Sketch Notes & PS 2001 PG 24,

5. Layout



11/6/06 (Note: Monday Night Meeting)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)



Request by MacGregor Development Company on behalf of Over Jordan, LLC for subdivision preliminary design approval of  “Westfall, Phase 1A, 1B, and 1C” (formally Booth Mountain), consisting of   94 lots on 160 acres, located off  SR-1721, Lystra Road, and SR-1717, Jack Bennett Road, Williams Township.

1. & 3. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

4. Letter re: Road Design Changes,

7. Weakley Comments,

8. Layout

5. Environmental Status Report (S&EC),


Revised Environmental Report (S&EC)


S&EC Report on Potential Habitat for Species

(December 2006)


S&EC Threatened and Endangered Species Report (Map) (Cover Letter)


11/6/06 (Note: Monday Night Meeting)

Planning Board Notes (Addendum)



Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)



Request by Community Properties on behalf of Chatham Partners, LLC and Roanoke Investments, LLC  for subdivision preliminary design approval of Creekside”, consisting of  30 lots on  162  acres, located off  SR-1520, Old Graham Road,  Hadley Township.

1. & 3. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

404 Permit Statutory Approval Letter,

401 Permit,

4. Layout



11/6/06 (Note: Monday Night Meeting)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)


Request by  Windjam 23, LLC for subdivision preliminary design approval of “The Hamptons, Phases 1, 2, & 3”, consisting of 89 lots on 183 acres, located off SR-1700, Mt. Gilead Church Road, Baldwin Township.

1. & 3. Application (1,2,3),

2. Arcview Map,

Traffic Impact Analysis,

Erosion Control Permit,

Wetlands & DWQ Permit,

NCDOT Permits (1,2,3,4,5),

Septic Permits (1,2),

Water System Approvals (1,2,3),

4. Schedule Revision,

5. Layout



11/6/06 (Note: Monday Night Meeting)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)


Request by The Parks at Meadowview, LLC   for subdivision preliminary and final design approval of  “The Parks at Meadowview, Phase  1B”, consisting of 72 lots on 110 acres, located off  SR-1520, Old Graham Road,  Center Township.

1. & 3. Application,

2. Arcview map,

4. Layout (1,2,3)



11/6/06 (Note: Monday Night Meeting)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)


Request by The Legacy at Jordan Lake, LLC  for subdivision preliminary and final plat approval of  “The Legacy At Jordan Lake, Phases 2 & 3”, consisting of 114 lots, on 166 acres, located off Big Woods Road, SR-1714, Williams & New Hope Townships.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. CUP Resolution,

Water Approval (1,2),

Erosion Control Permit,

404 Permit,

Approved Road Names,

5. Survey (1,2,3,4,5,6)

4. CUP Response (1,2,3)


11/6/06 (Note: Monday Night Meeting)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)


Request by L. E. D., LLC for subdivision final plat approval of  “Windham, Phase II”, consisting of 23 lots on 124 acres, located off SR-1700, North Pea Ridge Road, New Hope Township.

1. Application,

Arcview Map,

2. Plat



11/6/06 (Note: Monday Night Meeting)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)


Request by Sears Design Group, P. A. on behalf of Fitch Creations, Inc for subdivision sketch design approval of  “McDowell Place Subdivision”, consisting of 15 lots on 17 acres, located off Weathersfield, SR-1812, Williams Township.

1. Application (1,2),

Arcview Map,

3. Diehl Letter,

4. Layout

2. Dan Sears Letter (9/18/06)



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract


Request by Kevin Hamak, RLA, The John R. McAdams Co., Inc. on behalf of NNP Briar Chapel LLC for subdivision preliminary approval of  “Briar Chapel, Phase IV, Pod A, B. C. and D (Including Phase 3 ROW)”, consisting of 323 lots on 152 acres, located off U. S. Hwy 15-501, Baldwin Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Schedule,

4. Stream Buffers,

Stream Buffers with Ephemeral Drainage Areas,

Street Names,

Historical Society,

Solid Waste Plan,


4. Overall,

9. Sheet 1,

Sheet 2,

Sheet 3


Phase 1 Permits:

DWQ Non-Discharge,

NCDENR Dam Safety,

NCDOT (1,2,3,4),

Erosion Control (1,2,3,4),

Water System,


Phase 2 Permits:

NCDOT (1,2,3,4),

Erosion Control (1,2),

Water System


Phase 3 Permits:

DWQ Sewer (1,2),

DWQ 401,

Water System,

Water Quality Ponds,

Erosion Control

6.,7.,8. Comments from Project Manager (1,2,3)


Sheets Showing Adjoining Property Owners 1,2


Variable Width Right-of-Way Diagram



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract


Request by Mac Development Company for subdivision final approval of “Cedar Grove, Phase 4A (Lots 19 – 23)”, consisting of 5 lots on 21 acres, located off Jones Ferry Road, SR-1540, Baldwin Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Layout




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract


Request by Lee-Moore Oil Co to rezone a 63.3 acre tract into a 29.4 acre Conditional Use B-1 Business District and a 33.9 acre RA-40 Residential Agricultural District located off US 15-501 N south of the Chatham/Orange County line, Williams Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,


3. Existing Conditions,

Zoning Districts

4. Public Hearing Written Comments:

(1, 2, 3)


Letter from Applicant's Attorney (9/18/06)


Revised Existing Conditions Map (9/18/06)


Revised Existing Zoning Districts Map (9/18/06)



(Please note that this is a Monday night meeting)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)


Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)

Ordinance to Approve CU District

Request by Lee-Moore Oil Co for a Conditional Use B-1 Business Permit for a home improvement center and additional retail and shops located off US 15-501 N south of the Chatham/Orange County line, Williams Township, on 29.4 acres of a 63.3 acre tract.

1. Application,

Economic Analysis,

Fiscal Impact Analysis,

EMS Letter,

Fire Dept. Letter,

Natural & Historic Features Report,

Soils Report,

Threatended & Endangered Species Report,

Traffic Analysis,

Preliminary Wastewater Calc.,

Arcview Map,


Site Plan,

Vicinity Map,

Aerial Plan,

County Tax Map,

Existing Conditions,

Landscape Plan,

Lighting Plan,

Soils Map


2. & 3. Public Hearing Writting Comments:
(1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 4b, Bill Ford Market Report,


4. S&EC Detailed Soil/Site Evaluation)


5. Appearance Commission Report


Attorney Letter,


6. Revised Traffic Impact Analysis,


7. Planning Board Minority Report


8. Revised Site Plan



(Please note that this is a Monday night meeting)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)


Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)

Resolution to Approve CU Permit

Request by Contentnea Creek Development Co. to rezone approximately 130 acres located off Hatley Rd (SR 1714), New Hope Township from RA-5 to Conditional Use RA-90 District.


1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Public Hearing Minutes

Public Hearing Written Comments (1,2)


5. Map of Big Woods Wilderness Significant Natural Heritage Area


6. Weakley Email Comments


Planning Board Minority Report





Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (10/16/06)


Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)

Ordinance to Approve CU District

Request by Contentnea Creek Development Co. for a Conditional Use RA-90 Permit for a 63 lot single family residential subdivision with site plan on  approximately 130 acres located off Hatley Rd (SR 1714), New Hope Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,


3. Public Hearing Minutes




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (10/16/06)


Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)

Resolution to Approve CU Permit

Request by McLean Family LTD, Partnership to rezone approximately 470 acres located off Big Hole Rd (Private), Williams Township from RA-5 to RA-90.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,


3. - 6., Public Hearing Written Comments


7. Map of Big Woods Wilderness Significant Natural Hertiage Area


8. Weakley Email Comments


Planning Board Minority Report



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (10/16/06)


Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)

Ordinance to Approve District

Request by Walter Lewis to rezone approximately 5.35 acres located at the corner of US 64 E and Bob Horton Rd (SR 1744), New Hope Township from RA-40 Residential Agricultural to Conditional Use B-1 Business.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Public Hearing Minutes




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (10/16/06)


Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)

Ordinance to Approve CU District

Request by Walter Lewis for a Conditional Use B-1 Business Permit for an indoor storage facility for boats, recreational vehicles, and other vehicular and self storage uses on approximately 5.35 acres located at the corner of US 64 E and Bob Horton Rd (SR 1744), New Hope Township.

1. Application,

Development Team,


Legal Description,

Purpose Statement,

Project Description,

County Taxmap,


2. Arcview Map,



Site Plan,

Landscape Plan,

Grading Plan,


3. Appearance Commission Report


4. NCDOT Review


5. Historical Society Letter




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (10/16/06)


Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)

Resolution to Approve CU Permit

Request by George Farrell, Jr. to rezone approximately 17.46 acres at the corner of Farrington Point Rd (SR 1008) and McGhee Rd (SR 1717), Williams Township from RA-40 Residential Agricultural to Conditional Use B-1 Business.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map

3. Kimberly Lane Letter (9/18/06),


4. Ollen Lane Letter (9/18/06),


5. Heinrichs Letter (9/28/06)



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)


Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)

Ordinance to Approve CU District

Request by George Farrell, Jr. for a Conditional Use B-1 Business Permit for expansion of the self storage business located across McGhee Rd and for flex office buildings (various business uses) with related storage located at the corner of Farrington Point Rd (SR 1008) and McGhee Rd (SR 1717), Williams Township.

1. Application (1,2),

County Taxmap,

Soils Report,

Water Department,

Traffic Analysis,

2. Arcview Map,


Site Plan,

Landscaping Plan

3. Appearance Commission Report,


4. Dolores Hall Comments,


5. Natural Heritage Program Information,


6. Historical Society Comments,


7. NCDOT Letter


8. Revised Site Plan,


Revised Landscaping Plan,


9. Revised Soils Report


House Powerpoint Presentation


Tabled to 11/6/06



Planning Board Notes (11/6/06)


Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (11/20/06)


Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)

Resolution to Approve CU Permit

Request by Dan Sullivan on behalf of Contentnea Creek, Co. for subdivision sketch design approval of “Pennington South”, consisting of 50 lots on 68 acres, located off U S. Hwy 64 E., New Hope Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Soils Report,

Soils Map,

4. Layout




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)


Request by Belmeade Farms, LLC for subdivision sketch design approval of  “Belmeade”, consisting of 197 lots on 556 acres, located off Hwy 64 and SR-2161, Aldolph Taylor Road, Center Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,


Sketch Master Plan,


Amenity Area,

Boundary Survey,

County Soils (1,2),

Elevation Banding,



Roadway Section,



USGS Overlay,

Water (1,2),



3. Chatham Historical Society


Minority Report



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)


Request by David Ferrell, Village Investments, Inc. on behalf of Huang Eng-Shang and Betty Lou Ferrell, Etal for subdivision sketch design approval of  “NC 751 Parcels”, consisting of 14 lots on 66 acres, located off Hwy 751, Williams Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Soils Report (1,2),

Soils Map,

4. Layout




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)


Request by Mann’s Chapel Properties, LLC for subdivision sketch design approval of  “Mann’s Crossing”, consisting of  40 lots on 61 acres, located off SR-1532, Mann’s Chapel Road and SR-1537, Tobacco Road, Baldwin Township.

1. Application (1,2),

2. Arcview Map,

4. Soils Report,

3.,5.,6.,7. Emails and Letters,

9. Layout (1,2)




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)


Request by Coffey Grounds of Chapel Hill, Inc for subdivision sketch design approval of  “Horizon”, consisting of 66 lots on 103 acres, located off SR-1525, Hamlet Chapel Road, Baldwin Township.

1. Application (1,2),

2. Arcview Map,

3. Soils Report,

4.,5. Development Schedule and Historical Society Comments,

Soils Map,

6. Layout




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)


Request by Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc. on behalf of Roy Mashburn, Jr. for subdivision preliminary approval of  “Shadow Creek”, consisting of 24 lots on 76 acres, located off SR-1740, Lewter Shop Road, New Hope Township.

1. Application (1,2),

3. Arcview Map,

NCDOT Approval (1,2),

Erosion Control (1,2),

Street Names,

Wetlands Delineation,

Soils Report,

Soils Map,

2. & 4.Layout (Vicinity Map),

Revised Layout (8/22/06)





Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)


Request by Pittman-Korbin, Inc for subdivision preliminary plat approval of  “The Cottages At Stonegate, Phase 3”, consisting of  eight (8) subdivision lots on 64 acres, located off SR-1535, Gilmore Road, and SR-1534, Poythress Road, Baldwin Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

NCDOT (1,2),

Erosion Control,

Road Names,

Soils Report,


Site Plan,

3. Layout,

Grading Plan,

Erosion Control,

Plan and Profile




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)


Request by The Parks at Meadowview, LLC for subdivision preliminary and final approval of  “The Parks at Meadowview, Phase 1A”, consisting of 97 lots on  145 acres, located off SR-1520, Old Graham Road, Center Township.

1. Application (1,2),

2. Arcview Map,

3. Robinson Letter,

Approvals (1,2),

Water Approval,

Sewer Approval,

4. Maps:


Sheet 1,

Sheet 2

Water Policy Resolution (9/18/06)



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)


Request by Bobby A. Branch on behalf of Terra Cognitum, LLC for subdivision final plat approval of  “Mayfield”, consisting of 11 lots on 65 acres, located off  SR-2182, Lonnie Fields Road, Gulf Township.

1. Application (1,2),

Arcview Map,

2. Layout




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)


Request by Darden Development, LLC and Jordan Lake Preserve Corporation on behalf of Polk-Sullivan, LLC, Chatham Partners, LLC and Virginia Grantham for subdivision final plat approval of “Chapel Ridge, Phase 3 / The Woodlands”, consisting of 173 lots on 242 acres, located off SR-1520, Old Graham Road,  Hadley Township.

1. Application (1,2),

Arcview Map,

2.,3. Robinson Letters,

4. Water Letter,

Erosion Control,

5. Maps,


Sheet 1,

Sheet 2,

Sheet 3,

Sheet 4,

Sheet 5,

Sheet 6

Water Policy Resolution (9/18/06)



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)


Request by Polk Sullivan, LLC for subdivision sketch design review of "Crescent Hill" (formerly “Mountainview”), consisting of 2 lots on 10.5 acres, located off Old Graham Road, SR-1520, Hadley Township.

1.&4. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Location Map,

5.&6. Aqua NC and Smith Letters,

7. Layout,


Letter from Developer re: Archaeological Site



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract


Request by Community Properties for subdivision sketch design review of “Shively Tract”, consisting of 12 lots on 68 acres, located off Old Graham Road, SR-1520, Hadley Township.

1.&4. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Location Map,

5.&6. Aqua NC and Smith Letters,

7. Original Layout,

Revised Layout 1 (posted 7/31/06),

Revised Layout 2(posted 8/1/06),

Revised Layout 3 (posted 8/4/06)




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract


Request by MAC Development Company for subdivision final plat review of  “Cedar Grove, Phase IV” , Lots 18 and 24 – 28, consisting of 6 lots on 25 acres, located off SR-1540, Jones Ferry Road, and Cedar Grove Road, Baldwin Township.

1. Application,

Arcview Map,

2. Layout




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract


Request by Richard E. Fox for subdivision final plat review of  “Hickory Downs”, consisting of 41 lots on 167 acres, located off SR-1506, Bowers Store Road, Hickory Mountain Township.

1. Application,

Arcview Map,

3. Layout




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract


Request by Nelson Wall for a variance from Section 6.4.C.1 of the Chatham County Subdivision Regulations and for sketch, preliminary, and final subdivision approval of  “Property of Robert Nelson Wall and wife, Janice C. Wall, consisting of 2 lots on 1.61 acres, located off SR-1783, Willow Way, Baldwin Township.

1.,2.,3.,4. Application,

Arcview Map,

5. Layout




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract


Request by William Jeffrey House for an amendment to the Chatham County Zoning Ordinance, Section 15.5 (B) (1) to change the acreage requirement for Public and Private Recreation Camps and Grounds from a minimum lot area of 20 acres to a minimum lot area of 10 acres.

1. Application (1,2)

1.,2.,.3. Aerial photo, Tax Office Record, and CCEC Letter




Planning Board Notes


Postponed to 9/18/06



Agenda Abstract (9/18/06)


Agenda Abstract (8/21/06)


Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)

Ordinance to Approve Amendment


Attachment #1

Request by Jeff Goodwin for a B-1 Conditional Use District with a Conditional Use Permit for Boat, Camper and Recreational Vehicle Storage, to be reviewed within category of Self-storage facility / mini-warehouse storage facility with related retail and services (i.e. moving truck rental), consisting of 4 acres, located off SR-1752, Martha’s Chapel Road, New Hope Township.

CUD and CUP Items:

1. Application,

Layout (1,2)


CUD Items:

1. Sullivan Email

1.,2.,3.,Comments Received at the Public Hearing on the Conditional Use District Rezoning


CUP Items:

1. Arcview Map,

2. Appearance Commission Report,


Comments Received at the Public Hearing on the Conditional Use District Rezoning (1,2),

O'Neill Photos,

Lockwood Photos

Corps of Engineers Letter


Staff Photos



Planning Board Notes CU District


Planning Board Notes CU Permit


Applications Withdrawn by Applicant


Tabled to

11/20/06 11/6/06


Tabled to 10/16/06


Postponed to 9/18/06



Agenda Abstract CU District (11/20/06)


Agenda Abstract CU Permit (11/20/06)


Agenda Abstract CU District (10/16/06)


Agenda Abstract CU Permit (10/16/06)


Agenda Abstract CU District (9/18/06)


Agenda Abstract CU Permit (9/18/06)


Agenda Abstract CU District (8/21/06)


Agenda Abstract CU Permit (8/21/06)


Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Request by Contentnea Creek Development Co. for a zoning district change from RA-5 to RA-90, on property consisting of 130 acres, located off SR-1714, Hatley Road, New Hope Township.

1. Application, Survey of Rezoning Area,

1. Arcview Map,

2. Excerpt of Draft Zoning Map,

3. Lowder Email

1. - 7.Public Hearing Comments and Comments Submitted after the Public Hearing by the Applicant


Postponed at Applicant's Request to 11/6/06


Postponed at Applicant's Request to 10/3/06


Tabled to 9/5/06



Planning Board Notes (10/3/06)


Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Request by Blake & Associates, Inc. on behalf of HBP Properties, LLC for a B-1 Conditional Use District with a Conditional Use Permit for Retail / Office Buildings / Restaurants / Bank / Insurance / Financial Services / Specialty Retail / Furniture / Pet Shop / Art House Theatre / Gallery / Pharmacy / Drug Store / Engineering / Service Offices / Distribution Centers (see application for specific uses), on 40 acres, located at the intersection of U. S. Hwy 15-501 N. and SR-1530, Polks Landing Road, Baldwin Township.


Table of Contents,

1. Introduction,

2. Dev. Team,

3. Application (1,2,3, Rezoning Comments),

4. Property Location,

5. Description of Use,

6. Site Plans Discussion,

6.1 Site Plans,

7. Dev. Schedule,

8. Ref. to Existing County Plans,

8.1 Finding 1,

8.2 Finding 2 (1,2),

8.3 Finding 3 (1,2,3,4,5,6),

8.4 Finding 4 (1),

8.5 Finding 5 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8),

9. Project Design (1,2),

Appearance Commission Notes,

Arcview Map

Application Addendum (9/28/06)


DWQ Sewer Permit (9/28/06)


Wastewater Agreement (9/28/06)


Revised Layout (Dated 9/26/07)


NCDOT Letter (Dated 1/30/08)


CU District Approval


CU Permit Tabled to 10/3/06



Planning Board Notes (CU Permit 10/3/06)



Planning Board Notes (CU District)


Planning Board Notes (CU Permit)

CU District Approval (9/5/06)


CU Permit Approval (10/3/06)


Agenda Abstract CU District (10/16/06)


Agenda Abstract CU Permit (10/16/06)


Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)

Ordinance to Approve CU District


Resolution to Approve CU Permit

Request by Baycorp Development, Inc. on behalf of Ridgely W. Cook, Jr. and Julia Ann Cooper for B-1 Conditional Use District with a Conditional Use Permit for Banks, Savings and Loans, Finance Companies, Credit Agencies and Similar Financial Institutions,  on 1.351 acres, located  off  U. S. Hwy 15-501 N., Baldwin Township.

Application (1,2),

Arcview Map

Appearance Commission Report


Withdrawn by Applicant 10/27/06


Postponed by the applicant to 11/6/06


Postponed by the applicant to 10/3/06



Planning Board Notes (CU District 10/3/06)


Planning Board Notes (CU Permit 10/3/06)


Planning Board Notes (CU District)


Planning Board Notes (CU Permit)



Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)

Withdrawn by Applicant 10/27/06

Request by Warren D. Mitchell for a revision to an existing Conditional Use Permit for  a Mini-warehouse storage facility to include a stand alone office with accessory apartment and to add an additional commercial driveway entrance off  SR-1719, Vickers Road, on property , 5.43 acres, located at the intersection of U. S. 15-501 N and SR-1719, Vickers Road, Williams Township.

1. Application (1,2,3,4),

1. Area Map,

Building Elevation,

Site Plan,

Landscaping Plan

Arcview Map,

2.,3. NCDOT and Chandler Soils Letters




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (8/21/06)


Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)

Resolution to Approve CU Permit

Request by Gordon and Vivian W. Parker and Timothy Richard and Christy W. Brown for a zoning district change from Heavy Industrial (H-Ind) to RA-40, on 25 acres, located off SR-1916 Corinth Road, Cape Fear Township.

1. Application (1,2,3),

1. Map,

Site Photos,

Arcview Map,

2.,3.,4. General Shale Letter, Progress Energy Letter, and Natural Heritage Program Information




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (8/21/06)


Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)

Ordinance to Approve District Rezoning

Request by Sears design Group, P. A. on behalf of Fitch Creations, Inc. for a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development (Fearrington North) on 40 acres, to consist of 24 clustered single-family homes and 9 single-family lots, 33 total residential units,  located off SR-1718, Villageway and SR-1785, Beechmast, Williams Township.

Cover Letter,


Application (1,2),

Mailing Labels,

Map of Property,

Sheet 2,

Vicinity Map,

Appendices (A,B,C,D,E,F),

Arcview Map


This item has been withdrawn at the request of the applicant (7/18/06)









Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Request by Sears Design Group, P. A. on behalf of Fitch Creations, Inc. for a RA-40 Conditional Use District with a Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development (Fearrington East / Northern Section)  on 46 acres, (no residential units to be located on this section), located off  U. S. 15-501 N, Williams Township.

Cover Letter,


CU District Application (1,2),

CU Permit Application (1,2),

Mailing Labels,

Property Map,

Vicinity Map,

Appendices (A,B,C,D,E,F),

Arcview Map


This item has been withdrawn at the request of the applicant (7/18/06)







Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Request by Sears Design Group, P. A. on behalf of Fitch Creations, Inc. for a RA-40 Conditional Use District with a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development (Fearrington East / Southern Section) to consist of 28 clustered homes and 50 single-family lots (78 total residential units) on 197 acres, located off U. S. 15-501 N, Williams Township.

Cover Letter,


CU District Application (1,2),

CU Permit Application (1,2),

Mailing Labels,

Sheet 3,

Vicinity Map,

Appendices (A,B,C,D,E,F),

Arcview Map


This item has been withdrawn at the request of the applicant (7/18/06)







Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Request by Sears Design Group, P. A. on behalf of Fitch Creations, Inc. for a revision to the existing Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development for the Village of Fearrington to transfer allowed dwellings from Fearrington East to the undeveloped Village Center lands to consist of 162 residential units on 1227 acres, located off U. S. Hwy 15-501 N, Williams Township.

Cover Letter,


Application (1,2),

Mailing Labels,

Property Map,

Sheet 1,

Vicinity Map,

Appendices (A,B,C,D,E,F),

Arcview Map


This item has been withdrawn at the request of the applicant (7/18/06)







Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Request by Ticon Properties, LLC on behalf of Bryan & Helen Yates for subdivision sketch design approval of  “Valley View”, consisting of 22 lots, on 44 acres, located off SR-1526, Andrews Store Road, Baldwin Township.

1. Application (1,2)

2. Arcview Map,

3. Soils Report,

Soils Map (1,2),

Wetland Buffer,

Analysis Map,

4. Concept Map

Historical Society Comments



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Request by Jesse Fearrington for subdivision sketch design approval of  “ Monterrane, Phase IV”, consisting of six (6) lots on 31 acres, located off S-R-1700, Mt. Gilead Church Road, Williams Township.

1. Application,

2. Agenda Abstract Oct. 1, 2001,

3.,5. Arcview Map (1,2),

4. Plat Slide 2001-57,

Soils Report from 2001,

6. Soils Report from 2006,

7. Layout

Historical Society Comments



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Request by  Lewis T. Metty  for subdivision sketch design approval of  “Cedar Mountain”, consisting of 65 lots on 162 acres, located off SR-1540, Jones Ferry Road, Baldwin Township.

1. Application (1,2),

2. Arcview Map,

3. Soils Report,

4. Plat Slide 99-403,

5. Layout

Historical Society Comments



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Request by Community Properties, Inc. on behalf of Hilda McBane for subdivision sketch design approval of  “McBane Property Subdivision” ,consisting of 109 lots on 159 acres, located off S. R. 1520, Old Graham Road, Hadley Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Historical Records and NHP Report,

4. Traffic Assessment,

5. Layout

Aqua Utility Letter


Town of Pittsboro Water Agreement


Bradshaw Letter re: Historical Structures


S&EC Letter re: Corps of Engineers meeting


Historical Society Comments



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Request by Richard Fox for subdivision preliminary approval of  “Hickory Downs”, consisting of 41 lots, on 167 acres, located off SR-1506, Bowers Store Road, Hickory Mountain Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Layout (jpeg format, pdf format)

Historical Society Comments



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Request by Darden Development, LLC for subdivision preliminary approval ofWoodlands” (formerly the Page and Grantham subdivisions as well as a portion of Womble subdivision on west side of Old Graham Road), consisting of 173 lots, on 242 acres,  located off S. R. 1520, Old Graham Road, Hadley Township.

1. Application (1,2,3),

2. Arcview Map,

DENR Approvals (1,2,3),

Road Names,

School System,

Erosion Control (1,2),

NCDOT (1,2),

404 Permit,

4. Layout

Town of Pittsboro Water Agreement


Historical Society Comments


Map showing useable lot areas along Dry Creek (7/11/06)



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Request by Bynum Ridge, LLC on behalf of Polk-Sullivan, LLC for subdivision preliminary approval of  “The Sanctuary at Haw River”  Phase One, (f/k/a Williams Pond), consisting of 121 lots , on 376 acres,  located off SR-1711, Bynum Ridge Road, Baldwin Township.

1. Application (1,2),

2. Resolutions

3. Arcview Map (1,2),

DENR Approvals (1,2),

404 and 401 Permits,

Road Names,

NCDOT (1,2),

Erosion Control,

Soils Map,



S&EC Report on Buttercup Phacelia


Wiggins Comments dated 7/7/06


Historical Society Comments


Erosion Control Permit



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Request by Michael D. Poe for subdivision final plat approval of  “Cattail Creek Subdivision”, Phase 4, Lots 23 – 38, consisting of 16 lots on 32 acres, located off S. R. 1506, White Smith Road, Hadley Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Layout





Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Request by Pittsboro Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department, Inc. for sketch, preliminary, and final approval of one (1) non-residential subdivision lot, consisting of one (1) lot on five (5) acres, located off SR-1520, Old Graham Road.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Appearance Commission Minutes,

4. Layout




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Request by HBP Properties for final plat approval of “Legend Oaks, Phase One”, consisting of 31 lots on 64  acres, located off U. S. Hwy 15-501 N., Williams Township.

1. Application (1,2),

2. Arcview Map,

3. Layout (1,2)




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Request by Contentnea Creek Development Co. for subdivision final plat approval of  “Windfall Creek, Phase II”, consisting of eight (8) lots on 43 acres, located off SR-1716, Big Woods Road, New Hope Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Layout




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Request by Brad Hart, P. E., Withers & Ravenel, for a revision to the development schedule for “The Hamptons” subdivision.

1. Request to review development schedule

  N/A 6/6/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 6/19/06 Agenda Abstract Approval
Request by Phreddie D. Popp for subdivision sketch design approval of “Burnette Mountain Estates, LLC, consisting of one (1) lot on 1.5 acres, located off S. R. 1700, Mt. Gilead Church Road, Baldwin Township.

1.,2., & 5. Application & Survey,

3. Plat Slide 34-90

4. Arcview Map

  N/A 6/6/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 6/19/06 Agenda Abstract Approval
Request by ENT Land Surveys, Inc. on behalf of Bruce Curtis for subdivision sketch design approval of  “Arcadia”, consisting of 10 lots on approximately 57 acres, located off S. R. 1536, Lamont Norwood Road, Baldwin Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Soils Report,

4. Layout

  N/A 6/6/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 6/19/06 Agenda Abstract Approval
Request by Harrison Pond, LLC on behalf of Harbison Family Trust for subdivision sketch design approval of  “Harrison Pond”, consisting of 42 lots on approximately 74 acres, located off S. R. 1532, River Forest Road.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Soils Report,

4. Trott and Quimby Letter,

5. Layout

  N/A 6/6/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 6/19/06 Agenda Abstract Approval
Request by MAC Development, LLC for subdivision sketch design approval of  “Cedar Grove Subdivision – Phase V”, (Lots 29 – 35), consisting of 7 lots on 23 acres, located off S. R. 1540, Jones Ferry Road, Baldwin Township.

1. Application (1,2),

2. Arcview Map,

3. Soils Report,

4. Layout

  N/A 6/6/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 6/19/06 Agenda Abstract Approval
Request by Belmeade Farms, LLC, c/o Chatham Development Corporation, for subdivision sketch design approval of 136 lots, on approximately 557 acres located off Hwy 64 W. and S. R. 2161, Adolph Taylor Road, Center and Hickory Mountain Townships. Application Withdrawn on 5/18/06                
Request by Jim Anderson, Crosland, for subdivision sketch design approval of  “Chatham Land and Timber Property”, consisting of 169 lots on approximately 302 acres, located off S. R. 1711, Bynum Ridge Road, Baldwin Township.

1.&4. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Soils Report (1,2),

5. Sketch Plan,

6. Development Plan,

7. Layout (Overview, 1,2)

Layout Revised (Overview and Sheet 1)

Revised Entrance Across from Pokeberry Lane (6/15/06)

Historical Society Comments

Wiggins Comments

Neighborhood Meeting Response from Crosland

Haw River Assembly Comments

Bynum Ridge Landowners Association & Osborne Comments

N/A 6/6/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 6/19/06 Agenda Abstract Approval
Request by MAC Development, LLC for subdivision sketch and preliminary design approval of  “Cedar Grove Subdivision, Phase IV”, consisting of 11 lots on 43 acres, located off S. R. 1540, Jones Ferry Road.

1. Application (1,2),

2. Arcview Map,

Soils Report,

Road Names,

Corps of Engineers,

Division of Water Quality,


Health Department,

3. Layout

  N/A 6/6/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 6/19/06 Agenda Abstract Approval
Request by Fitch Creations, Inc. for subdivision final plat approval of “Survey for Fearrington,  Millcroft Cluster Homes (Close 3 & 4)”, consisting of 14 lots on approximately 4 acres, located off S. R  1817, Millcroft Road, Williams Township.

1. Appliation,
2. Arcview Map,

3. Engineer's Certification,

4. Layout

  N/A 6/6/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 6/19/06 Agenda Abstract Approval
Request by David Johnson for subdivision final plat approval of Fern Creek Subdivision, consisting of four (4) lots on approximately 20 acres, located off S. R. 1714, Sugar Lake Road, New Hope Township.

1.&3. Application & Survey,

2. Arcview Map

Final Survey (1,2,3) N/A 6/6/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 6/19/06 Agenda Abstract Approval
Request by Jordan Lake Preserve Corporation for subdivision sketch, preliminary, and final approval of  “Heater Utilities, Inc.”, consisting of  four (4) non-residential subdivision lots on approximately 22 acres, located off Hwy 87 N and S. R. 1520, Old Graham Road, Hadley Township.

1. Application,

Arcview Map,

2. Layout (1,2,3,4,5)

  N/A 6/6/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 6/19/06 Agenda Abstract Approval

Public hearing to consider proposed text amendments to the Chatham County Zoning Ordinance to comply with 2005 NC General Statute updates.

1. Amendment Text




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (6/19/06)


Agenda Abstract

Resolution to Approve (Attachment 1)

Public hearing to consider proposed text amendments to the Chatham County Subdivision Regulations to comply with 2005 NC General Statute updates, make technical corrections, and extend sketch design approval from six (6) to twelve (12) months.

1. Amendment Text

1a. Revisions to definition of Flood Hazard Area



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (6/19/06)


Agenda Abstract

Resolution to Approve (Attachment 1)

Public hearing to receive public comment on an ordinance setting forth the rules and procedures for establishing a moratorium according to State enabling legislation adopted in 2005 (Chatham County Moratorium Ordinance).

Amendment Text


1. Revised Text


Bradshaw Comments

Postponed to 6/19/06




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (7/17/06)


Agenda Abstract (6/19/06)


Agenda Abstract


Request by Jesse Fearrington, c/o Nicolas P. Robinson, Attorney, for a Conditional Use B-1 Business District with a Conditional Use Permit for restricted B-1 uses, (see list of 48 requested uses out of  possible 78 uses), on approximately 60 acres, located at the intersection of U. S. 15-501 and S. R. 1527, Morris Road, Baldwin Township.

CUD and CUP Items:

1. & 2. Application (1,2,3,4,5,6),

Arcview Map,

Economic Analysis,


CUD Items:

3. Minutes May 15, 2006 Public Hearing,

4 (CUD). Market Analysis Presentation from 5/15/06


CUP Items:

2. Appearance Commission Comments

Traffic Impact Assessment (1,2),

Soils Map,


Aerial Plan,

Site Plan,

Alternate Driveway Plan,

Lighting Plan,

Landscape Plan,

3.&4. Bender and Boyce emails,

5. Public Hearing Submittals (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8),

6. Lowder email,

7. Spritzer Comments,

8. Robinson Fax,


Layout with Color Aerial Photography




Engineer's Letter (5/15/06)

Grocery Store Rendering (5/15/06)

Applicant's Appraisal (5/15/06)

5/15/06 7/11/06 Planning Board Notes CU District

Planning Board Notes CU Permit

Approval 7/17/06 Agenda Abstract CU District (7/17/06)

Agenda Abstract CU Permit (7/17/06)

Agenda Abstract CU District

Agenda Abstract CU Permit

Ordinance to Approve CU District

Resolution to Approve CU Permit

Public Hearing request by Mitch Barron, Newland Communities, on behalf of NNP – Briar Chapel LLC, for a revision to the existing Compact Community – Conditional Use Permit (CC-CUP) at the intersection of Andrews Store Road and Parker Herndon Road.

1. Application (1,2),

Arcview Map,

Traffic Impact Analysis Addendum,

Approved Site Plan,

Proposed Site Plan

NCDOT Letter dated 5/8/06 5/15/06 6/6/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 6/19/06 Agenda Abstract (6/19/06)

Agenda Abstract

Resolution to Approve CU Permit
Request by Roanoke Investments, LLC for subdivision sketch design approval of  “The Bluffs”, consisting of 112 lots on approximately 597 acres, located off S. R. 1520, Old Graham Road, and SR-1547. Rock Rest Road, Hadley Township.

1, 1(A),1(E) Application (1,2,3,4,5),

1.(B)Traffic Analysis,

1.(C)Utility Letter,

1(D), 1(F)Environmental & Historic Review (1,2,3),

2. Arcview Map:Zoning,

3. Arcview Map: Watershed,

4.&5. Utilities Correspondence,


 Site Plan (8.5x11, jpeg),

Economic Analysis (1,2),

Town of Pittsboro Water Agreement


6. Rock Rest Road Neighbors Comments


5/1/06 (Note: Monday night)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract

Request by The Parks at Meadowview, LLC (Crescent Resources, LLC) for a revision to “The Parks at Meadowview” Planned Unit Development to add approximately 155 acres (Harris tract) to the PUD and to increase the total number of residential units by 139 to a total for the entire PUD of 739.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

Fiscal Impact Analysis,

1. (cont.) Maps:

Key Map (jpeg),

Approved PUD (jpeg),

Lot Count (jpeg),

Boundary (jpeg),

Aerial (jpeg),

Inventory (jpeg),

Soils (jpeg),

Slope (jpeg),

Elevation (jpeg),

Vegetation (jpeg),

Sketch Master (jpeg),

Roadway (jpeg),

Buffer Plan (jpeg),

Utility Plan Water (jpeg),

Utility Plan Sewer (jpeg),

Phasing Plan (jpeg),

3.&4. Previous Agenda Abstracts,

5.&6. Utilities Correspondence,

7. Oslund Letter

Town of Pittsboro Water Agreement


5/1/06 (Note: Monday night)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract

Request by Pittman-Korbin, Inc. for subdivision sketch design approval of  “The Cottages at Stonegate, Phase 3”, consisting of 11 lots on approximately 64 acres, located off S. R. 1535, Gilmore Road, and S. R. 1534, Poythress Road, Baldwin Township.

1. Application (1,2,3),

2. Arcview Map,

3. Soils Report (1,2,3,4),

4. Site Plan



5/1/06 (Note: Monday night)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract

Request by L. E. D., LLC for subdivision sketch and preliminary design approval of Windham,  Phase II, consisting of 23 lots on approximately 123 acres, located off S. R. 1700, N. Pea Ridge Road, New Hope Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. NCDOT Permit (1,2)

4. Survey



5/1/06 (Note: Monday night)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract

Request by Samir Bahho, P.E. on behalf of Wilkinson Creek, LLC for subdivision sketch design approval of  “The Woods at Wilkinson Creek”, consisting of 23 lots on approximately 47 acres, located off S. R. 1537, Tobacco Road, Baldwin Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Soils Report,

4. Survey

Revised Soils Map


5/1/06 (Note: Monday night)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract

Request by Roy Mashburn on behalf of Galaxy Investments, LLC for subdivision sketch design approval of  “Yates Subdivision”, consisting of 24 lots on approximately 76 acres, located off S. R. 1740, Lewter Shop Road, Williams Township.

1. Application (1,2),

2. Arcview Map,

3. Soils Report & Map (1,2),

4. Sketch Plan (jpeg)



5/1/06 (Note: Monday night)

Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract


Request by Dan Sullivan on behalf of Pennington Family Trust for subdivision sketch design approval of  “Pennington Subdivision”, consisting of 18 lots on 97 acres, located off SR- 1716, Big Woods Road, New Hope Township.

1. Application (1,2,3,4),

2. Arcview Map,

3. Soils Map,

Soils Report (1,2,3),

4. Survey




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract


Request by Glenn M. Phillips, P. E., Ballentine Associates, P. A., on behalf of  James E. Dixon for subdivision sketch design approval of  “Dixon Property”, consisting of 28 lots on approximately 83 acres, located off  S. R. 1532, Mann’s Chapel Road, Baldwin Township.

Link Here









Request by Trenton Stewart on behalf of HBP Properties, LLC for subdivision preliminary approval of  “Legend Oaks” (formerly Bland Tract), consisting of  63 lots on 110 acres, located off Hwy 15-501 N., Williams Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Plats (1,2,3)

NCDOT Approval (1,2),

Water Approval,

Erosion Control Approval,

Road Names,

Corps Permit,

Soils Report,

Soils Map




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract


Request by David C. Johnson for a variance from the Chatham County Subdivision Regulations, Section 6.4, Lots, (B), Arrangement (3) and for subdivision sketch and preliminary approval of  “Fern Creek Subdivision”, consisting of 4 lots on 20 acres, located off SR-1714, Sugar Lake Road, New Hope Township.

1.&5. Application and Survey,

2. Arcview Map,

3.,4. BOC Abstract & Perry Letter

Revised Application Page 1 (4/5/06)



Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract


Request for Steve Christopher for subdivision final plat approval of  “Scarlet Oak”, consisting of 7 lots on 12 acres, located off S. R. 1530, Polks Landing Road, Baldwin Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Survey




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract


Request by Ricky Spoon Builders, Inc. for subdivision final approval of  “Bobcat Point Subdivision, Phase IV, Lots 110 and  127 – 135”, consisting of 10 lots on approximately 58 acres, located off SR-1559,  Emerson Cook Road, Hadley Township.

1. Application (1,2),

Arcview Map,

2. NCDOT Letter,

3. Survey (1,2)




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract


Request by Nick Robinson, Attorney, on behalf of MacGregor Development Company for a revision to the existing “Booth Mountain Planned Unit Development” to relocate the amenity area.  The project area consists of 180 lots on approximately 294 acres located off S.R. 1717, Jack Bennett Road, and SR-1721, Lystra Road, Williams Township.

1. Application (1,2,3,4),

Arcview Map,

Traffic Letter,

Revised Amenity Area,

2. Robinson Email,

3. Approved Amenity Area,

  3/20/06 4/4/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 4/17/06 Agenda Abstract (4/17/06)

Agenda Abstract

Resolution for Approval
Request by W. R. Henderson & Associates on behalf of  Shannon P. and Judith H. Hallman and Bradley A. Thomas, Etals for a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development for a cluster subdivision, Lystra Gardens, consisting of 139 lots on approximately 140 acres, located off S. R. 1721, Lystra Road, Williams Township.


Arcview Map,

Site Plan (1,2,3,4,5),

Entrance Drawing

Natural Heritage Program Comments and Map

Soils Survey (3/13/06)

Wetlands Sketch (3/10/06)

Application Amendments (1,2)

Application Withdrawn by Applicant (3/29/06)

Public Hearing Continued


        Agenda Abstract  

Request by John W. Blair for a Conditional Use B-1 Business District with a Conditional Use Permit for - Self-storage facility/ mini-warehouse storage facility with related retail and services (i.e. moving truck rental)  and - Uses and structures customarily accessory to any permitted use - specifically for  boat, recreational vehicle and other self-storage and an associated residential use, on 10.613 acres, located at the southeast intersection of SR-1700, Mt. Gilead Road, and S. R. 1714, Hatley Road, New Hope Township.

Conditional Use District Attachments:

1. Application (1,2,3),

Site Plan (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Revised Site Plan Information Added 2/21/06,

Photos (1,2,3,4,5),

Stormwater Calculations,

3. Public Hearing Minutes,

4.,5.,&6. Petition and Correspondence,

7. Arcview Map,

*Public Hearing Sign-Up Sheet and Comments

Conditional Use Permit Attachments:

1.,2.&3. Public Heaing Sign-Up Sheet, Appearance Commission Notes, & Klarmann Information

Supplementary Documents for the Conditional Use District Request:


Revised Stormwater Calculations (dated 2/19/06)


2. Cover Letter (2/21/06),

Supplemental Attachments (2/21/06)


Request to Postpone (Received 1/13/06)






4/4/06(Postponed per the applicant's request)

Planning Board Notes (CU District)


Planning Board Notes (CU Permit)

Approval of CUD


Approval of CUP

Postponed to 7/17/06


Postponed to 6/19/06



Agenda Abstract CU District (7/17/06)


Agenda Abstract CU Permit (7/17/06)


Agenda Abstract CU District (6/19/06)


Agenda Abstract CU Permit (6/19/06)


Agenda Abstract CU District (5/15/06)


Agenda Abstract CU Permit (5/15/06)


Agenda Abstract CU District (3/20/06)


Agenda Abstract CU Permit (3/20/06)


Agenda Abstract

Ordinance  to Approve CU District


Resolution to Approve CU Permit

Request by James P. Kiernan for subdivision final plat approval of Cattail Creek, Phase 3, consisting of 6 lots on approximately 16 acres, located off S. R. 1506, White Smith Road, Hadley Township. 

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Survey

  N/A 3/7/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 3/20/06 Agenda Abstract Approval
Request by Dan Sullivan for sketch design approval of Cooper Subdivision, consisting of 24 lots on approximately 130 acres, located off S. R. 1714, Hadley Road, New Hope Township.

1. Application (1,2),

2. Arcview Map,

3. Map (end of State maintenance)

4. Soils (1,2,3,4,5),

5. Survey

Revised Survey based on Planning Board Comments (3/9/06) N/A 3/7/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 3/20/06 Agenda Abstract Approval
Request by Jordan Lake Preserve Corporation for preliminary and final plat approval of Chapel Ridge Phase 2B, Sections M, the remaining portion of N, Q, R and O, consisting of 166 lots on approximately 792 acres, off  S. R. 1520, Old Graham Road, Center and Hadley Townships.

1. Application (1,2,3,4,5,6),

2. Arcview Map,

3. & 4. Approval Buck Mountain and Minutes,

5. Survey (1,2,3,4,5)

Town of Pittsboro Water Agreement

Water Pemit

Wastewater Permit

N/A 3/7/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 3/20/06 Agenda Abstract Approval
Request by The Parks at Meadowview, LLC for a revision to the existing sketch design for Meadowview Planned Unit Development to reduce the number of lots from 715 to 600, to have all roadways be private, to redesign the lot layout, and to change the name to The Parks at Meadowview, located off S. R. 1520, Old Graham Road, Center and Hadley Townships.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. & 4. Harris Family Letter and Original Phasing Map,

Current Master Plan (pdf),

Modified Master Plan (pdf),

Amenity (pdf),

Roadway (pdf),

Phasing (pdf)

5. Letter from Fire Marshal's Office N/A 3/7/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 3/20/06 Agenda Abstract Approval
Request by Ricky Spoon for final plat approval of Henry’s Ridge Subdivision, Lots 6 – 40, consisting of 35 lots on approximately 90 acres, located off S. R. 1822, Henry Webster Road, New Hope Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Surveyor Memo

4. Survey

  N/A 3/7/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 3/20/06 Agenda Abstract Approval
Request by Richard Fox for subdivision sketch design review of  “Hickory Downs”, consisting of 41 lots on 167 acres, located off S. R. 1506, Bowers Store Road, Hickory Mountain Township.

1. & 3. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

4. Layout

  N/A 2/7/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 2/20/06

Agenda Abstract (2/20/06)

Request by Wrenn Brothers, Inc. for subdivision preliminary plat approval of  “Knoll Ridge Estates”, consisting of 15 lots on 77 acres, located off S. R. 1130, Oakley Church Road, Matthews Township.


Arcview Map,

NCDOT Permit,

Soils Report,


Request to Postpone (1/26/06) N/A Postponed at Applicant's Reqeuest




Request by Van R. Finch on behalf of Fitch Creations, Inc. for subdivision final plat approval of  “Millcroft Cluster Homes, Close One”, consisting of 9 lots on two acres, located off  S. R. 1718, Villageway and  Millcroft, Williams Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Layout

  N/A 2/7/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 2/20/06

Agenda Abstract (2/20/06)

Request by Ricky Spoon Builders for subdivision final plat approval of  “Henry’s Ridge, Phase 1”, consisting of 17 lots on 84 acres, located off S. R. 1822, Henry Webster Road, New Hope Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Layout

Request to remove adenda item N/A 2/7/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 2/20/06

Agenda Abstract (2/20/06)

Item pulled at the applicant's request. The 17 lots have been combined into another request (link here)
Request by H & A Properties, Inc. for subdivision final plat approval of  “Shambley Meadows, Phase III, consisting of 7 lots on 13 acres, located off S. R. 2167, Jay Shambley, Hickory Mountain Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

NCDOT (1,2),

3. Layout

  N/A 2/7/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 2/20/06

Agenda Abstract (2/20/06)

Public Hearing to consider proposed amendments to the Chatham County Subdivision Regulations, Section 6.5 A.2.a. and b. concerning recreation fees. 1. Amendment Text   1/17/06 2/7/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 2/20/06

Agenda Abstract (2/20/06)

Agenda Abstract

Public Hearing to consider proposed amendments to the Chatham County Mobile Home Ordinance, Section 6.4 a. and b. concerning recreation fees. 1. Amendment Text   1/17/06 2/7/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 2/20/06

Agenda Abstract (2/20/06)

Agenda Abstract


 Request by William R. Copeland for a Conditional Use B-1 Business District with a Conditional Use Permit for restricted B-1 Business uses specifically all B-1 Business permitted uses except for the following: Amusement enterprises – Bus, passenger stations – Funeral homes, embalming, crematoria – Fur storage – Laundries or Laundromats and dry cleaning – Pawnshops – Radio and television stations and their towers – on 5.6 acres, located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of U. S. Highway 64 and Big Woods Road, New Hope Township.

1. Application (1,2),

Arcview Map,

Site Plans (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10),

Soils Report (1,2),

Traffic Study (1,2,3,4),

DOT Approval,

Corps Approval,

Heater Utility,

3. Appearance Commission Report


2. Applicant's Request to Reduce Uses (1/23/06)


4. Robinson Notes (1/17/06)



Planning Board Notes


Tabled at the Applicant's Request (2/20/06)



Agenda Abstract (3/20/06)


Agenda Abstract (2/20/06)


Agenda Abstract

Ordinance Apprving CUD


Resolution Approving CUP

 Request by George Farrell, Jr. on behalf of Kunal Enterprises, LLC for a revision to the existing Conditional Use B-1 Business District with Conditional Use Permit for various uses to add Mobile home sales and service specifically for Modular home sales and display, on 15 acres, located off U. S. Hwy 64 E, New Hope Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

Site Plan (1,2,3),

3.,4.,5. Appearance Commission Report, Portion of Site Plan 1/18/05, Portion of Site Plan 1/20/05




Planning Board Notes



Agenda Abstract (2/20/06)


Agenda Abstract

Resolution Approving CUP

Request by Windjam 23, LLC for subdivision sketch design approval of The Hamptons, consisting of 89 lots on 183 acres, located off S. R. 1700, Mt Gilead Church Road, Baldwin Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Soils Maps (1,2),

Soils Reports (1,2,3,4,5),

4. Schedule,

5. Plan

  N/A 1/3/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 1/17/06 Agenda Abstract Approval

Request by J & B Partners, LLC for subdivision final plat approval of Bingham Ridge, consisting of  24 lots on 97 acres, located off S.R. 1536, Lamont Norwood Road, Baldwin Township.

1.&3. Application (1,2,3),

2. Arcview Map,

4. Final Plat


  N/A 1/3/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 1/17/06 Agenda Abstract Approval

Request by P K Chatham for subdivision final plat approval of  Cattail Creek, Phase 2, Lots 14 – 18, consisting of 5 lots, on 11 acres, located off SR-1506, White Smith Road, Hadley Township.

1. Application,

2. Arcview Map,

3. Plat

  N/A 1/3/06 Planning Board Notes Approval 1/17/06 Agenda Abstract Approval

Request by Dan Sears on behalf of Galloway Ridge, Inc. for subdivision final plat approval of Galloway Ridge, Inc, consisting of one (1) lot on 50 acres, located off US 15-501 N, Williams Township.

1. Application (1,2),

2. Arcview Map,

3.,4.,5. Misc. Letters

6. Plat

  N/A 1/3/06 Planning Board Notes Approval   Agenda Abstract