Audit of SCAT Transportation Disadvantaged Grant Program - October 2019

11 | A u d i t o f S C A T T r a n s p o r t a t i o n D i s a d v a n t a g e d G r a n t P r o g r a m O c t o b e r 2 0 1 9 5. Compliance with OFM Grant Policy and Procedures Manual . Observation The Office of Financial Management (OFM) grant policy and procedures manual stipulates that the Grant Manager is responsible for ensuring all reimbursement requests are complete, accurate, and submitted to the Granting Agency in a timely manner. Additionally, the Grant Manager is responsible for providing the OFM grants team with a complete copy of the reimbursement request for review and inclusion in the official document imaging system grant master file. During the review of the 12 reimbursement requests, the auditor identified 6 instances where the reimbursement request stored in the grant master file is inconsistent with the final reimbursement request submitted to FLCTD. Recommendation Develop and implement a monitoring process to ensure that reimbursement requests are updated in the official document imaging system upon approval from the FLCTD. Management Response The compliance issue of inconsistent record of final reimbursement has been resolved in the revised SOP # 205 communication with OFM and reconciliation to OnBase. The correct Reimbursement invoices with supporting documentation were submitted to OFM Grants for recording in the grant master file.