2023 Sarasota County Consolidated Major Revenue and Debt Report

Charges for services are fees received for providing a specific service and are intended to cover the costs of providing the services. The revenue for Charges for Services totaled $262.3 million in fiscal year 2023. Below are listed the primary fees for utility service, solid waste, and ambulance charges. Counties have the home rule authority to impose a variety of user fees and charges to offset the cost of providing a service or regulating an activity. The fees cover the cost of providing the services, a county may reduce its reliance on ad valorem taxes. User fees are authorized by local ordinance. Sarasota County collects several other fees such as those for public transportation, animal control and shelter, fees to use special recreation facilities, swimming pool fees, athletic league fees, special recreation program fees, library fees, fees to administer the County’s franchised water systems, zoning fees, and wastewater plant inspection fees. UTILITIES SYSTEM CHARGES 2023 Budget: $ 127,170,438 2023 Actual: $150,683,002 2024 Budget: $ 143,615,076 Legal Authorization: Florida Statutes Section 125.01(1)(k)1; County Ordinances 72‑030 as amended by 85‑090, 90‑022, 90‑036, 91‑059, all of which were amended by 94‑053; 99‑058 as amended by 99‑063; and Resolution 17‑089. Description: The County’s water and wastewater utility system is administered by the Environmental Services Business Center. In accordance with the ordinance, the Board of County Commissioners (Board) holds advertised public hearings prior to the establishment of new rates, fees, and charges. The Board sets system charges by resolution. A resolution is a formal statement of a decision or expression of opinion adopted by the Board. In addition, the County collects meter installation charges, wastewater service connection charges, and utility permitting fees. Uses and Restrictions: Net revenues are pledged to pay Utility System Revenue Bonds or Refunding Bonds, Series 2011B, 2013, 2016A, 2016B, 2019A, 2020A, 2020B, 2022, and 2023 as well as the Utility System Revenue Refunding Notes, Series 2015, and Subordinate Utility System Revenue Refunding Note, Series 2021. The fees are used to construct, operate, and maintain the County water and wastewater system. In addition, these user fees pay the principal and interest charges on the utility debt for various projects. SOLID WASTE SYSTEM CHARGES 2023 Budget: $ 23,314,661 2023 Actual: $ 31,884,353 2024 Budget: $ 23,466,689 Legal Authorization: Florida Statutes, Section 125.01(1)(k)1; County Ordinances 72‑076 as amended by 86‑016; 03‑022, 03‑059, 03‑092, 06‑001, and 07‑084. Description: Solid Waste System user charges consist of landfill tipping fees and surcharges for solid waste collection administration, hazardous waste management, the code enforcement section, the Keep Sarasota County Beautiful program, the recycling program, and the Pinelands Reserve management costs. The fees are set by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. Uses and Restrictions: The fees are pledged to pay the principal and interest charges on the Solid Waste System Revenue Refunding Note, Series 2015 and Solid Waste Note Series 2021. Landfill tipping fees cover all costs associated with the Central County Landfill and the Venice Transfer Station, as well as the closure of the Bee Ridge Landfill. The fees cover all operating and maintenance costs associated with the yard waste mulching program at the Central County Landfill. The construction and demolition materials recycling program is also funded by user tipping fees. BREEZE TRANSIT CHARGES 2023 Budget: $ 2,014,749 2023 Actual: $ 2,264,559 2024 Budget: $ 1,907,000 Legal Authorization: Florida Statutes, Section 125.01(1)(I); County Ordinances 74‑036 as amended by 78‑043 and 82‑002, amended and restated by County Ordinance 00‑034, and Resolution 11‑167. Description: Fares and other charges for transit services provided by Breeze Transit are adopted by Resolution through the Board of County Commissioners. Fare discounts are available for seniors and children. In addition to the local fixed route bus services, Breeze Plus provides paratransit service to individuals who, as a result of their disability, are not capable of using Breeze Transit. Uses and Restrictions: The Breeze Transit farebox receipts and other charges are used toward providing the County with public transportation. SarasotaClerk.com 19 CATEGORY 4 – CHARGES FOR SERVICES