2023 Sarasota County Consolidated Major Revenue and Debt Report

Permits, Fees and Special Assessments category includes revenue from easement reviews, certificates of occupancy, and non‑refundable plan review fees and totaled $211.0 million in fiscal year 2023. Non‑major revenues not included in this publication combined total was $2.2 million in fiscal year 2023. The County collects several other types of Category 2 revenues, for example: • FORESTRY DIVISION collects revenues for tree removal permits. • AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DIVISION collects burn permit fees. • TAX COLLECTOR collects boat registration fees. • RESOURCE PROTECTION SERVICES DEPARTMENT collects earth moving permit fees. • PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES collects revenues for right‑of‑way use and culvert permits. FIRE AND RESCUE ASSESSMENT 2023 Budget: $ 44,416,216 2023 Actual: $ 45,119,108 2024 Budget: $ 52,277,914 Legal Authorization: County Ordinances 88‑055 as amended by 89‑102, 96‑055; 88‑056 as amended by 89‑101, 92‑102, 93‑087, 94‑085, 96‑056, 02‑034, 02‑054, 02‑093, 03‑105, 04‑029, 07‑036, and Resolution 06‑167 and 17‑028. Description: The fire and rescue assessment is a levy against all taxable real property within the district. Assessments are determined annually during the budget process, set by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners and billed annually on property tax bills. The Emergency Services Business Center is responsible for administering the fire and rescue assessments. Uses and Restrictions: The assessment fees are used for operations, construction, acquisition, improvement of fire protection facilities and equipment. SOLID WASTE ASSESSMENTS 2023 Budget: $ 32,155,929 2023 Actual: $ 34,802,714 2024 Budget: $ 32,155,929 Legal Authorization: County Ordinances 03‑022 amended by 03‑059 as amended by 03‑092 as amended by 06‑001, 07‑084, and 18‑046. Description: A panel of hearing examiners, appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, reviews hauler requests for proposed rate changes. After a public hearing, rates are set by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. Rates for residential customers are included once a year as a special assessment on property tax bills and are based on the cost of doing business and a nominal profit for the haulers. Commercial customers are billed directly by the hauler. The recycling budget is intended to cover the costs associated with mandatory residential recycling and the hauling of recyclable materials. The Environmental Services Business Center oversees the residential and commercial recycling program. Uses and Restrictions: The assessments are used to pay the solid waste hauler collection contracts, residential solid waste disposal costs, and support service costs. The recycling budget is used to cover the costs associated with the hauler contracts and the materials recovery facility processing contract. ELECTRIC FRANCHISE FEES 2023 Budget: $ 19,800,000 2023 Actual: $ 25,004,343 2024 Budget: $ 23,750,000 Legal Authorization: County Ordinance 07‑042. Description: The County has the right to regulate the use of its rights‑of‑way in order to protect the public domain. In addition, the County may charge a rental fee for the use of the rights‑of‑way. Franchise fees are used to cover the expenses associated with regulation and to provide fair compensation for the rental value of the rights‑of‑way. The fee is 5.9 percent on the sale of electrical energy in the unincorporated areas of the County. Florida Power & Light Company collects the fee and submits it to the County on a monthly basis. The electric franchise granted by Ordinance No. 2007‑042 was passed and adopted May 8, 2007, and is effective for a term of thirty years. Uses and Restrictions: Franchise fees are generally restricted only to lawful budgeted purposes authorized by the Board of County Commissioners. This fee has been used to pay principal and interest payments on bonds, road construction costs, and general County operating costs. IMPACT FEES 2023 Budget: $ 35,049,902 2023 Actual: $ 45,903,953 2024 Budget: $ 31,204,511 Legal Authorization: Sarasota County Code Chapter 70. Description: Impact fees are charges imposed by local governments against new development, as a total or partial reimbursement for the cost of additional facilities or services 12 Consolidated Major Revenue & Debt Report 2023 CATEGORY 2 – PERMITS, FEES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS