FINANCIAL INFORMATION SUMMARY WHAT THE COUNTY OWNS & OWES The Condensed Statement of Net Position, or “Balance Sheet,” is a summary of everything Sarasota County owns (assets) and owes (liabilities), with the diference between the two being net position and is presented as governmental and business-type activities. It also provides a snapshot of the County’s fnancial health at the end of the fscal year. Governmental Activities - Activities primarily supported by tax dollars for services such as libraries, emergency medical, law enforcement and transportation. Business-Type - Those activities that ofer goods and services of the County for sale and are intended to be self-supporting, such as utilities, solid waste, stormwater and public transportation system. At the end of the current fscal year, Sarasota County is able to report positive balances in all three categories of net position, for the government as a whole. NET POSITION AT A GLANCE Net Position- The diference between assets plus deferred outfows of resources and liabilities plus deferred infows of resources. Net Investment in Capital Assets - The diference between the amount paid for capital assets, such as buildings, and any debt used to acquire those assets, such as loans or mortgages. Restricted - Funds that are not available for use by the County because they must be used for a specifc purpose or project as required by law or regulation. Unrestricted - The remaining balance available for use that is not invested in capital assets or restricted. A portion of Sarasota County’s net position (16 percent) represents resources that are subject to external restrictions on how they may be used. Unrestricted net position ($185.4 million) may be used to meet the government’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. CONDENSED STATEMENT OF NET POSITION as of September 30 (in thousands) Governmental Activities Business-Type Activities Total 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 Current and Other Assets $ 676,812 $ 647,317 $ 599,816 $ 477,250 $ 1,276,628 $ 1,124,567 Capital Assets 1,597,144 1,572,200 959,822 932,945 2,556,966 2,505,145 Total Assets 2,273,956 2,219,517 1,559,638 1,410,195 3,833,594 3,629,712 Deferred Outfows of Resources 95,547 141,829 14,068 14,912 109,615 156,741 Long-Term Liabilities 515,817 847,781 355,977 283,174 871,794 1,130,955 Other Liabilities 193,195 140,395 51,356 45,800 244,551 186,195 Total Liabilities 709,012 988,176 407,333 328,974 1,116,345 1,317,150 Deferred Infows of Resources 229,150 22,065 16,838 1,740 245,988 23,805 Net Investment in Capital Assets 1,253,150 1,241,890 728,899 702,068 1,982,049 1,943,958 Restricted 391,831 371,345 21,586 22,708 413,417 394,053 Unrestricted (Defcit) (213,640) (262,130) 399,050 369,616 185,410 107,486 Total Net Position $ 1,431,341 $ 1,351,105 $ 1,149,535 $ 1,094,392 $ 2,580,876 $ 2,445,497 14 Impact Report 2021