Sarasota County Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2019

Sarasota County, Florida Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Nonmajor Governmental Funds For the Year Ended September 30, 2019 Special Debt Capital Revenue Service Projects REVENUES Taxes 55,219,880 $ 6,916,323 $ 5,059,058 $ Permits, fees and special assessments 10,410,173 - - Intergovernmental 15,554,500 606,051 806,164 Charges for services 17,060,531 - - Judgments, fines and forfeits 2,865,937 - - Interest income 2,644,776 560,237 2,559,917 Net inc (dec) in fair value of investments 1,020,992 152,550 1,046,208 Contributions and donations 799,112 - - Miscellaneous 2,676,657 - - Total revenues 108,252,558 8,235,161 9,471,347 EXPENDITURES Current: General government 11,089,399 - 10,971,642 Public safety 18,210,142 - 2,696,837 Physical environment 4,017,029 - 2,585,953 Transportation 19,614,407 - 8,300,582 Economic environment 11,852,053 - - Human services 12,824,926 - - Culture and recreation 16,116,102 - 8,683,403 Debt service: Principal - 29,205,000 - Interest and fiscal charges - 12,597,049 - Debt issuance costs - 752,825 - Total expenditures 93,724,058 42,554,874 33,238,417 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures 14,528,500 (34,319,713) (23,767,070) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfers in 5,431,842 36,361,581 41,205,403 Transfers out (12,729,196) (673,247) (465,751) Commercial paper issuance - - 10,795,000 Issuance of refunding bonds - 29,600,000 - Payment to refunded bond escrow agent - (34,654,374) - Premium on bond issuance - 4,434,601 - Total other financing sources (uses) (7,297,354) 35,068,561 51,534,652 Net change in fund balances 7,231,146 748,848 27,767,582 Fund balances - beginning 90,878,489 1,983,638 102,546,512 Fund balances - ending 98,109,635 $ 2,732,486 $ 130,314,094 $ 168