Sarasota County, Florida Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 2021 Direct expenses are those that are clearly identifiable with a specific function or segment. The effect of administrative and support services’ indirect expense allocations has been eliminated in the governmentwide financial statements. Depreciation expense for capital assets that serve all functions is reported as a direct expense of the general government function on the government-wide statement of activities. All interest on general long-term debt is considered indirect and is reported separately in the government-wide statement of activities. Program revenues include (1) charges to customers or applicants for goods, services, or privileges provided and (2) grants and contributions that are restricted to meeting the operational or capital requirements of a particular function or segment. All taxes, and other items not properly included among program revenues, are reported as general revenues. Internally dedicated resources are reported as general revenues rather than as program revenues. For identifying the function to which program revenue pertains, the determining factor for charges for services is the function that generates the revenue. For grants and contributions, the determining factor is the function to which the revenues are restricted. Fund Financial Statements The accounts of the County are organized on the basis of funds, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. Fund structures, where applicable, have been designed to comply with all requirements of the bond resolutions and regulatory provisions or administrative action. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts comprised of its assets, liabilities, equities, revenues, and expenditures, or expenses, as appropriate. The various funds are grouped into three categories: governmental funds, proprietary funds, and fiduciary funds. Separate financial statements are provided for each of these categories. Major individual governmental funds and major individual enterprise funds are reported as separate columns in the fund financial statements. The remaining governmental funds are aggregated and reported as nonmajor funds. Governmental Funds Governmental Funds focus primarily on the sources, uses, and balances of current financial resources and often have a budgetary orientation. The governmental fund category includes the general fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds, capital project funds, and permanent funds. The County reports the following major governmental funds: The General Fund is the general operating fund of the County. All general tax revenues and other receipts that are not required either legally or by generally accepted accounting principles to be accounted for in other funds are accounted for in the General Fund. The Emergency Services Special Revenue Fund is used to account for the operations of fire and ambulance districts and the emergency 911 center. Revenue consists of assessments to property owners, service charges, and impact fees and is legally restricted to expenditures for the purpose of public safety. The Capital Revenue Programs Special Revenue Fund is used to account for funds collected under the mobility fee, road, park, and library impact fee and infrastructure surtax ordinances. These funds are legally restricted to expenditures for the purpose of culture and recreation and related capital projects as specified in the ordinances. The Federal, State and Local Grants Fund is used to account for receipt of federal, state and local grants restricted for specific purposes. The Infrastructure One Cent Sales Tax Capital Projects Fund is used to account for proceeds of the onecent voter-approved sales tax and are restricted for general government, road, and park projects. 81