Unannounced Audit of Petty Cash and Change Funds, July 2018

10 |  U n a n n o u n c e d A u d i t o f P e t t y C a s h a n d C h a n g e F u n d s  J u l y 2 0 1 8 4. Usage of sealed deposit bags for daily receipts   Observation Accounting Policies and Procedures, Chapter 9.2 Business Center Receipt, Balance, and Deposit  of Cash  requires that all receipts be placed in sealed deposit bags on a daily basis. During the  unannounced cash count, it was noted that one location had five days of receipts that, although  separated by day, were not placed in sealed deposit bags.  Recommendation To ensure proper safeguarding of county assets, mandate compliance with Accounting Policies  and Procedures that require placing receipts in a sealed deposit bag daily.  Management Response  We will continue to communicate the sealed deposit bag requirement in order to achieve and  maintain ongoing compliance with policies and procedures.