Follow-Up Audit of Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) Bus Operations Cash Handling, December 2017

14 |  A u d i t o f S C A T B u s O p e r a t i o n s C a s h H a n d l i n g  N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 6 9. Express Service farebox revenue recorded in the County general ledger  Observation  The auditor observed that there are two bank deposit slips and two RFDCF forms completed for  each daily deposit processed for pick up by the armored car service.  This is due to the bank  requesting that the currency be deposited separately from the coins. The RFDCF is formatted to  automatically allocate ninety percent (90%) of the total currency and coin receipts to the  general ledger account for fixed route services, while the remaining ten percent (10%) is  allocated to the general ledger account for express route services. It appears that the ten  percent (10%) allocation was determined based on the number of buses in the total fleet that  are assigned to express route services.  During testing of July 2016 farebox receipts, the auditor requested a GFI report for the express  routes for that month. This report showed total revenue of $2,495.57, while the corresponding  general ledger account showed $9,046.58, which is 362.5% higher than actual receipts per the  GFI system report. The allocation method used for reporting farebox receipts on the RFDCF  does not accurately reflect activity.   Recommendation To ensure that appropriate general ledger recording occurs, revenue posted to the general  ledger for express bus services should be based on actual receipts.   Management Response  RFDCF will now be allocated to express bus based on actual revenue received using the Daily  Route Summary GFI Report to obtain these totals.  Implementation date of November 30, 2016, is based on the effective date of the revised  express bus route schedule.