Audit of Purchasing Card Program, July 2018

4 |  A u d i t o f t h e P u r c h a s i n g C a r d P r o g r a m  J u l y 2 0 1 8 Purchasing Card Process  P‐Cards are assigned to authorized employees after a P‐Card Department approving official  makes a request and the P‐Card Administrator approves the request. P‐Cards are generally set  with a single transaction limit of $5,000 and a monthly transaction limit of $25,000; however  limits do vary based on activity and need of each department. As of October 24, 2017, there  were a total of 327 active P‐Cards assigned to County employees with monthly transaction  limits totaling $8,335,034. Of the 327 P‐Cards assigned to County employees, the County  utilizes the following transaction limits:  Number of P-Cards Single Transaction Limit 34 Suspended to Credit Limit of $1* 1 $1,000 1 $2,000 27 $3,000 245 $5,000 12 $10,00 1 $15,000 1 $19,999.99 3 $25,000 1 $50,000 1 $75,000 * P‐Cards may be suspended when one of the following circumstances occurs: (1) the P‐Card is to be cancelled,  (2)  the P‐Cardholder is disciplined, or (3) the P‐Card is used infrequently and the suspension is lifted when purchases  need to be made. Cardholder makes  purchase & obtains  receipts  Bank authorizes or  declines purchase  Vendor is paid by  Bank  Bank transmits transaction to  purchasing card application daily  Cardholder approves  and forwards receipts  to P‐Card Account  Coordinator  Cardholder reviews  transactions in  purchasing card  application  P‐Card Account  Coordinator prepares  and approves monthly  reconciliation package  P‐Card Department Director/and  or Approving Official reviews  transactions and approves monthly  reconciliation package  Clerk of Court and County  Comptroller Finance verifies  transactions to statement  and pays Bank  P‐Card Administrator  performs monthly  spending analysis  P‐Card Account  Coordinator forwards  reconciliation package to  Clerk of Court Finance