Audit of Purchasing Card Program, July 2018
9 | A u d i t o f t h e P u r c h a s i n g C a r d P r o g r a m J u l y 2 0 1 8 2. Compliance with Purchasing Limits Observation The P‐Card Manual, chapter 4.1, states that "the purchasing card program cannot be used to split transactions to circumvent county purchasing laws/ordinances". Splitting a transaction is when a cardholder allows a merchant to take a higher dollar transaction and process it across multiple transactions on the same day or on multiple days to avoid an established single transaction limit. The auditor utilized data analytics software to identify individual transactions that were purchased on the same P‐Card, to the same vendor, within a specified period of time. The transactions were then grouped together and the total purchase amount was calculated for each instance. If the calculated total exceeded the single transaction limit, supporting documentation was obtained and reviewed for further analysis. In total, the auditor identified 71 instances where multiple transactions exceeded the single transaction limit of the P‐Cardholder. Upon review of supporting documentation, it was determined that three instances (4.2%), made by two different cardholders, occurred over 9 transactions, circumventing established single transaction spend limits. Recommendation To ensure compliance with the P‐Card Manual, management should enhance training materials in order to reinforce that splitting transactions to circumvent established spend limits is not allowed and could result in the revocation of P‐Card privileges. Management Response The Purchasing Card Administrator will enhance training materials to reinforce that splitting transactions to circumvent established spend limit is prohibited and could result in the revocation of P‐Card privileges. Upon receipt and review of the audit findings, a letter was sent to the Department Director responsible for each case on July 19, 2018. The Procurement Division will obtain a written letter of explanation from the Department Director and each case will be reviewed for corrective action. Department Directors will be contacted for explanation by August 1, 2018. The expected date of implementation is July 19, 2018.
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