Audit of Contracted Human Services, July 2018
2 | A u d i t o f C o n t r a c t e d H u m a n S e r v i c e s J u l y 2 0 1 8 Executive Summary As part of the Annual Audit Plan, the Clerk of Circuit Court and County Comptroller’s Internal Audit Department and Office of the Inspector General conducted an independent audit of Contracted Human Services. The purpose of the audit was to assess whether contract eligibility for agencies participating in the program was maintained and properly monitored and to ensure that payment requests comply with the stipulations within the contract. The audit found that the process by which requests for payment are approved by Health and Human Services does not consistently ensure that the requests are properly calculated and that supporting documentation is sufficient and properly supports the request. Additionally, it was observed that improvements could be made when determining an agency’s payment rate as it relates to the total award amount. Weaknesses in the payment approval process could result in overpayments, payments for services not in compliance with the contract, or payments for programs that are not meeting the needs of Sarasota County residents. Contracts written with inconsistent award amounts, rates, and supporting exhibits have the potential to lead to confusion of staff in the calculation of payments or result in the deliberate misrepresentation of services provided by the agencies.
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