Audit of Contracted Human Services, July 2018
10 | A u d i t o f C o n t r a c t e d H u m a n S e r v i c e s J u l y 2 0 1 8 3. Sufficient documentation to support that payment requests were for services provided exclusively to Sarasota County residents. Observation The contractual agreements stipulate that the services funded by the county must be provided exclusively to Sarasota County residents even if the program or organization provides services within a multi‐county area. In order to ascertain that Health and Human Services is properly monitoring this contractual requirement, a random sample of 26 of 59 awarded agencies was selected for review. Based on the procedures performed, it was detected that 18 agencies did not submit sufficient documentation with payment requests to show that the services were provided exclusively to Sarasota County residents. Additionally, the audit detected that one agency was reimbursed a total of $509.00 between January and March for services provided to Manatee County residents. Recommendation The ensure compliance with contractual provisions, supporting documentation submitted with payment requests should include sufficient information about the recipient’s county of residence. The overpayment of $509.00 should be reviewed and appropriate action taken. Management Response On average, for the programs that Sarasota County funds, that amount of funding represents 14% of program budgets. Because agencies also have programs that may not be funded by Sarasota County, the funding represents only 5% of overall agency revenue. In an effort to ensure geographic and equitable program coverage, beginning in fiscal year 2018, aggregate demographic data began to be collected that includes such information as gender, family income, race, age, and zip code of residence. Through this reporting, 93.2% of clients served through these programs in the first quarter of fiscal year 2018 were Sarasota County residents. The annual application for human services funding includes a section which must be completed that details geographic areas served, in‐County and out‐of‐County. The fiscal year 2018 applications indicated that 94.6% of clients served are Sarasota County residents annually. For some funded agencies, there are federal or state designations for the providers to serve Sarasota County residents specifically. 100% of the clients served in these programs must be Sarasota County residents.
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