Audit of Contracted Human Services, July 2018

9 |  A u d i t o f C o n t r a c t e d H u m a n S e r v i c e s  J u l y 2 0 1 8 visiting the agency onsite within one business day to clarify any questions related to the  provision of service delivery without placing the County at liability for the possession and  retention of such records.    Supporting documentation that is routinely verified for sufficient evidence of services provided  and is maintained in the contracted human services office includes, at a minimum, such  information as HIPAA‐compliant client identification for service accessed, date of service,  county of residence, number of classes taught, days of attendance, number of meals served,  number of counseling sessions provided, staff hours provided in contact with clients, number of  shelter/mental health and substance abuse treatment beds utilized, and lists of assistive  equipment for those with disabilities.  To further strengthen documentation, for those agencies that have been submitting system‐ generated reports that have been exported to a spreadsheet, a system‐generated report will be  collected and maintained when possible, with client names redacted. For those agencies that  lack a specific client/service delivery tracking software system, contracted human services staff  will increase onsite visits and verify detail on location from the reports that have been  submitted. Site visits for these programs will increase from annually to four times per year.  For  programs for which the unit rate is a staff hour, payroll records for the associated program staff  will be collected and maintained.