Audit of Economic Development Incentive Fund Program, April 2019

16 |  A u d i t o f E c o n o m i c D e v e l o p m e n t I n c e n t i v e F u n d P r o g r a m  A p r i l 2 0 1 9 7. Application Process Observation  Companies interested in requesting financial assistance from Sarasota County in order to  complete their expansion or relocation plans are encouraged to contact the EDC. Staff at the  EDC works with each interested company in order to determine if they meet the requirements  of the Economic Development Incentive Program and to assist them with the application  process. Completed applications are sent to Government Relations staff to perform a high level  review to ensure the application is complete and contains accurate information. After review, a  packet is created that contains a memo to the BCC and calculations showing the economic  benefits of the company’s expansion or relocation plans. The packet is then presented to the  BCC for approval and if approved, will lead to an agreement between the county and the  applicant.  During the review of seven for‐profit applications approved by the BCC, it was noted that one  application lacked a signature and was not notarized; the Government Relations staff was  unable to locate an original signed copy of the application.  Additionally, the Government  Relations staff was unable to locate one of the seven applications selected for testing.  Recommendation The Office of Government Relations should establish policies and procedures in which clearly  outline the application review requirements and ensure that all applications and corresponding  documents are retained.  Management Response  The Governmental Relations Departmental Records Management Coordinator (DRMC) will  ensure that EDIF award applications, contracts and related documents are managed in  accordance with the Sarasota County Government Administrative Directive No. 9.01, Retention  and Disposition of Public Records.