Audit of Economic Development Incentive Fund Program, April 2019
15 | A u d i t o f E c o n o m i c D e v e l o p m e n t I n c e n t i v e F u n d P r o g r a m A p r i l 2 0 1 9 6. Write‐off Process Observation The Accounting Policies and Procedures, section 9.10 states that “it is the responsibility of any business center that generates accounts receivable to enforce collections of the receivables and to submit uncollectible accounts to the Board of County Commissioners to be written‐off.” When an entity has entered into a Financial Incentive Grant Agreement with the County and has been awarded grant funds for job creation or relocating their business, the entity is still required to continue performing for benefits previously received. If an entity fails to meet those requirements, then the “clawback” provisions can kick in which would then require the entity to return the entire benefit or a portion of that benefit to the County. Since the inception of the Economic Development Incentive Program, there have been a total of 16 entities that have been required to return funds to the County. Of those, four entities continue to owe the County money, which totaled $508,625 as of September 28, 2018. During testing, the auditor determined that: Two of the entities owe the County $50,000 each, One entity has been sued by the County and is required to pay back $350,000, and One entity has a balance of $58,625 and has made 17 payments to date. The auditor determined that the County has not complied with section 9.10 of the Accounting Policies and Procedures. Additionally, the department has failed to notify the Finance department that these repayments are to be recorded as receivables for the County. Recommendation To ensure compliance with the Accounting Policies and Procedures, the County should bring all possible write‐offs of receivables to the BCC for review and approval. Additionally, the County should implement a procedure to notify the Finance department any time an entity is required to return money to the County. Management Response Beginning with Fiscal Year 2019, Governmental Relations Staff will bring all possible write‐offs of receivables to the BCC for review and approval in accordance with the Clerk of Circuit Court Accounting Policy 9.10.
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