Follow-Up Audit of SCAT TD Grant Program-October-2022

9 | Follow-up of SCAT Transportation of Disadvantaged Grant Program October 2022 SCAT informed auditor that they no longer required to collect documentation to approve income verification. Both Grant Agreement contract G1A61 and G1O29 indicate that an approved eligibility application for each rider who received services must be maintained by SCAT. Grant Agreement does not list income verification as a requirement for eligibility application. However, the income verification is still listed as the requirement in the newly implemented SOP #751. After the review of a total of 75 hard copy paper applications the auditor identified a total of 22 applications non-compliant with the requirements of SOP #751. Of 22 applications: • 20 applications were incomplete and missing wages information or pages from application • one application was missing applicant signature • one application was missing medical form and doctor's signature on application Original Audit Observation, Report dated October 2019: SOP #707 stipulates the criteria used to determine if an applicant is eligible for transportation disadvantaged services and requires that all transportation disadvantaged grant eligibility applications contain documentation to support age verification, disability certification, and income verification. During review of the 164 located paper applications, the auditor identified 58 applications which are non-compliant with the requirements of SOP #707. Of the 58 applications: • 19 applications do not have a signature on all required pages, • 34 applications are noted on the paper application as TD and do not have wage information, • 10 applications are missing a page, • 6 applications are lacking essential information. Additionally, SCAT is no longer collecting the documentation required by SOP #707 to approve income verification. Original Recommendations, Report dated October 2019: Develop and implement quality assurance processes to ensure that applications are reviewed prior to approval and are complete, contain necessary signatures, and contain required documentation. Management Action Plan: SOP-751 ADA/TD ELIGIBILITY that replaced SOP-707 has been updated and transitioned to SOP740 TD ELIGIBILITY. The finding related to income verification focuses on the grant agreement