Follow-Up Audit of SCAT TD Grant Program-October-2022

3 | Follow-up of SCAT Transportation of Disadvantaged Grant Program October 2022 Executive SummarY As a part of Annual Audit Plan, the Clerk of Circuit Court and County Comptroler’s Internal Audit Department and Office of the Inspector General conducted a Follow-up Audit of SCAT Transportation Disadvantaged Grant Program. The purpose of the audit was to evaluate the steps taken to address the observations reported in the original audit report and subsequent corrective actions taken by the responsible management. The original audit detected issues of non-compliance with the policies and procedures regarding the following: ride services provided to noncertified clients, lack of monitoring and retention of client applications, insufficient supporting documentation and approvals for reimbursement requests, non-compliance with the Office of Financial Management Grant Policy and Procedures Manual, non-compliance with the Commission for Transportation Disadvantaged Invoicing Procedures. Since the original audit, policies and procedures have been updated and improved to include monitoring and retention of client applications, enhanced the process for SCAT Transportation Disadvantaged Grant Eligibility Requirements, sufficient supporting documentation collection and Grants Billing process. While updated policies and procedure and enhanced application process appears to have improved application process for SCAT Transportation Disadvantaged Grant, there are still detected issues of noncompliance with Department Standart Operating Procedures. Lack of compliance with Department Standart Operating procedures could result in a violation of the grant agreement which can lead to reduced or discontinued state funding for the Transportation Disadvantaged Grant Program.