Sarasota County Charter, January 2019

January 2019 edition 15 There shall be a Charter Review Board composed of ten (10) members, two (2) members from each commission district, who shall serve staggered terms of four (4) years without compensation and who shall be elected county-wide by the voters of Sarasota County at the General Election. Members shall take office on the second Tuesday following the General Election. (Amended 11/6/1984; 11/8/1988; and 8/31/2004.) 2.8B Jurisdiction and Meetings of the Charter Review Board. The Charter Review Board shall hold meetings to organize, elect officers, and conduct business during any calendar year. Meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairman of the Charter Review Board or three (3) other Charter Review Board members. On behalf of the citizens of Sarasota County, the Charter Review Board shall review and recommend changes to the County Charter for improvement of County government. Such recommendations shall be subject to referendum in accordance with the provisions of Article VI* herein. An affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members elected or appointed to the Charter Review Board shall be required to recommend amendments for referendum. The Board of County Commissioners shall pay reasonable expenses of the Charter Review Board. (Amended 11/6/1984, 11/8/1988, 11/3/1992, and 8/31/2004.)(* The reference above to Article VI should have been renumbered to Article VII in 1990. Subsequent amendments have included the incorrect reference to Article VI.) 2.8C Vacancies on the Charter Review Board. Any member of the Charter Review Board who changes his or her permanent residence to an area outside the district from which he or she was elected to represent shall be deemed to have vacated his or her office and position on the Charter Review Board. Except as otherwise provided for herein, vacancies occurring on the Charter Review Board shall be filled in accordance with the Florida Constitution and the general laws of the State of Florida for vacancies in county office. A Board member who is removed from his or her district as a result of redistricting may serve out the balance of his or her term as a representative of his or her former district. (Amended 8/31/2004.)