2023 Sarasota County Consolidated Major Revenue and Debt Report

CONSTITUTIONAL FUEL TAX 2023 Budget: $ 3,517,000 2023 Actual: $ 3,806,487 2024 Budget: $ 3,550,000 Legal Authorization: Article XII, Section 9(c) of the State Constitution, Florida Statutes, Sections 206.41, 206.45, 206.47, 336.023, and 336.024. Description: The constitutional fuel tax is a two‑cent per gallon tax upon every gallon of motor fuel sold in the state. The State Board of Administration calculates a distribution factor for each eligible county. The formula is based on a County’s area, population, and previous fiscal year’s fuel tax collections to the total of each factor for the State. The tax is collected by the Florida Department of Revenue and is transferred to the State Board of Administration for allocation to the counties. Uses and Restrictions: This tax is used for the acquisition, construction, and maintenance of roads. LOCAL 50‑CENT CHARGE E911 2023 Budget: $ 2,210,650 2023 Actual: $ 2,518,588 2024 Budget: $ 2,374,914 Legal Authorization: Florida Statutes, Section 365.171, 365.172, 365.173; County Ordinance 86‑084. Description: Under the Emergency Communications Number E911 Act, the State collects a fee from users of voice communication services through their service providers. The local exchange carriers operating in Florida are required by law to collect the monthly E911 fee, a maximum of $0.50, from customers. These fees are remitted to the E911 Board and a portion of the fee revenue received, based on the allocation percentages specified in the Legislation, must be distributed to the counties based on the billing address of the customer service identifiers in each county. Uses and Restrictions: These funds shall be used solely to pay recurring and non‑recurring costs of providing 911 and E911 service, as provided by the Florida Statutes, Section 365.172(9) and 365.172(10). STATE LEVIED 7TH CENT COUNTY FUEL TAX 2023 Budget: $ 1,570,000 2023 Actual: $ 1,692,588 2024 Budget: $ 1,585,000 Legal Authorization: Florida Statutes, Section 206.41 and 206.60. Description: This tax is a one‑cent tax upon every gallon of motor fuel sold in the State. This tax is sent to the State by licensed refiners upon the first sale or first removal from storage of the fuel. The State remits the tax to each County on a monthly basis. To determine distribution, a formula composed of three components (area, population, and collection) is calculated annually. Uses and Restrictions: These funds must be used solely for the acquisition of rights‑of‑way; the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, and repair of transportation facilities, roads, and bridges; bicycle paths and pedestrian pathways; or to pay principal and interest on debt incurred for transportation purposes. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 2023 Budget: $ 3,681,032 2023 Actual: $ 1,673,758 2024 Budget: $ 4,023,443 Legal Authorization: Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Title I, as amended, Public Law 93‑383. Description: The Housing and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is a federally funded program through the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Funds are reimbursed monthly based on current year expenditures. The program’s intent is to develop viable urban communities, by providing adequate housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income. These funds are used to help the community by funding various projects such as day care centers, affordable housing, new park facilities, and other projects. Uses and Restrictions: This revenue source may be used to undertake a wide range of activities directed toward neighborhood revitalization, economic development, and the provision of improved community facilities and services. The community develops its own programs and funding priorities; however, the programs must conform to statutory standards and program regulations. The community may contract with other local agencies or nonprofit organizations to carry out part or all of their programs. All activities under this program must either benefit low‑ and moderate‑income persons, aid in the prevention or elimination of slums and blight, or meet other community development needs. AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT (ARPA) 2023 Budget: $ 25,915,533 2023 Actual: $ 4,670,924 2024 Budget: $ 25,855,962 Legal Authorization: US House of Representatives 1319, Resolution 21‑094, 22‑063 and 22‑064. 16 Consolidated Major Revenue & Debt Report 2023 2023 REVENUE