2023 Sarasota County Consolidated Major Revenue and Debt Report

Intergovernmental revenues are revenues from other governments in the form of grants, entitlements or shared revenues. An operating grant is a contribution or gift of cash or other assets from another government to be used for a specific purpose, activity, or facility. A capital grant is restricted by the grantor for the acquisition and/or construction of capital assets. An entitlement is the amount of payment to which a government is entitled pursuant to an allocation formula contained in applicable statutes. Shared revenue is revenue levied by one government but shared on a predetermined basis, often in proportion to the amount collected at the local level, with another government. The intergovernmental category totaled $142.2 million for fiscal year 2023. The County receives several types of Intergovernmental revenue which is considered a major revenue source for this publication: the half‑cent sales tax, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Formula Grants, state revenue sharing, the constitutional fuel tax, 911/E‑911 fees, the State‑levied County fuel tax, the Community Development Block grant and the American Rescue Plan Act grant. In addition to these major intergovernmental revenues, the County also receives several other grants which are typically a one‑time funding source for a specific capital project. Due to the non‑recurring nature of these one‑time grants, they are not included in this report. HALF‑CENT SALES TAX 2023 Budget: $ 39,660,000 2023 Actual: $ 48,696,796 2024 Budget: $ 46,100,000 Legal Authorization: Florida Statutes, Section 212.20 and Part VI of Chapter 218. Description: The half‑cent sales tax is collected by the State and distributed to local governments based on the taxable sales within their counties. The Cities of Sarasota, Venice, North Port, the Town of Longboat Key, and the County government share the proceeds based on a population formula. The County’s share is determined by dividing the sum of the unincorporated population plus two‑thirds of the incorporated population by the sum of the total County population plus two‑thirds of the incorporated area population. This revenue source began in October 1982. Uses and Restrictions: The half‑cent sales tax is pledged to pay principal and interest on the Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2017, 2018A, 2018B, 2019A, 2019B, 2019C, 2020, and 2023A. The remaining half‑cent sales tax may be used for any lawful purpose. However, the portion of the County’s proceeds which is based upon the population of the incorporated areas must be used to provide countywide tax relief or to finance countywide programs. Furthermore, the proceeds may be used to pay principal and interest on any capital project. FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION (FTA) FORMULA GRANTS 2023 Budget: $ 11,478,787 2023 Actual: $ 8,884,648 2024 Budget: $ 12,827,737 Legal Authorization: 49 United States Code 53 – Public Transportation. Description: These grants are federal funds received from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), U.S. Department of Transportation, to assist in financing the acquisition, construction, maintenance, planning and improvement of facilities and equipment for use in mass transportation service. Uses and Restrictions: These grants may be used to finance specified capital, operating, and associated capital maintenance items for use in mass transit. STATE REVENUE SHARING 2023 Budget: $ 12,450,000 2023 Actual: $ 17,305,843 2024 Budget: $ 14,500,000 Legal Authorization: Florida Statutes, Sections 210.20, 212.20 and Part II of Chapter 218. Description: The State Revenue Sharing Act of 1972 established trust funds for certain state‑levied tax monies to be shared with counties and municipalities. The State formula for distribution is based upon population and sales tax collections. This revenue source is divided into three parts: the first guaranteed entitlement, the second guaranteed entitlement, and the balance. For Sarasota County, the first guaranteed entitlement is $1,119,924 annually. The second guaranteed entitlement is $1,148,225 annually. The balance varies from year to year and represents the County’s share of the revenues after deducting the guaranteed entitlements. Uses and Restrictions: The second guaranteed entitlement is pledged to pay principal and interest on the Second Guaranteed Entitlement Revenue Bonds, Series 2013. The balance portion of the revenue may be used to protect the public health, safety, or welfare as determined by the Board of County Commissioners. SarasotaClerk.com 15 CATEGORY 3 – INTERGOVERNMENTAL